The new
Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT) for regeneration and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders
Modular radial and focused shock wave therapy (ESWT) with ultrasound imaging for efficient pain therapy in orthopaedics
The DUOLITH® SD1 »ultra« shock wave system represents a clear modular concept that meets the growing demands of a medical practice regarding therapy and diagnosis. This is not only beneficial to newcomers to the field of extracorporeal shock wave treatment but also to experienced users.
Control unit (15.6” touch screen) with optional diagnostic ultrasound / R-SW module with radial FALCON® handpiece / F-SW module with focused SEPIA® handpiece
Radial Module with FALCON® Handpiece
The high-performance FALCON® handpiece allows the radial module to be operated also independently of the control unit. All treatment parameters such as pressure, frequency and number of shocks can be uniquely entered and retrieved via the operating panel of the handpiece display.
The optional vibration therapy with the V-ACTOR® »HF« handpiece as well as the optional vacuum therapy using VACU-ACTOR® technology are the ideal complements to shock wave therapy.
Transmitters for the FALCON® Handpiece
Focused Module with SEPIA® Handpiece
The focused shock wave serves for treating near-surface as well as deep target areas in the body. The SEPIA® handpiece renders treatment directly at the patient easy and efficient. All the important control elements have been integrated into the handpiece.
The easy replacement of the cylindrical coil is another advantage for the user as it saves revision time and costs. As an option, the C-ACTOR® handpiece with extended energy range can be connected to this module for use in dermatology and also for the treatment of pseudarthrosis near the surface.
Diagnostic Ultrasound (optional)
Accurate diagnosis of the indication and identification of the pain zone are prerequisite to achieving the most successful treatment. Therefore, STORZ MEDICAL offers the option of an integrated diagnostic ultrasound imaging system with colour Doppler for the DUOLITH® SD1 »ultra«, thus combining diagnosis and treatment in one system.
All possible adjustments for localizing the treatment area and its optimal representation by ultrasound images can be done on the screen. Ultrasound images can be saved directly in the integrated patient management system and retrieved in later sessions.
Individual modularity
DUOLITH® SD1 TOWER »ultra« General data
Radial module
DUOLITH® SD1 TOWER »ultra« General data
Focused module
DUOLITH® SD1 TOWER »ultra« General data
Radial & focused module