


Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT) for regeneration and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders

MAGNETOLITH® ultra+ – Supercharge your tissue

Non-invasive, evidence-based1,2,3,4 EMTT is considered one of the most innovative technologies for the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal diseases and is an outstanding complement to Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT). The areas of application include diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as lower back pain, tendinopathies of the rotator cuff or the Achilles tendon.

At a glance

  • Evidence-based, non-invasive, outpatient therapy
  • Wide range of therapeutic applications
  • High oscillating frequency with high penetration depth

References of significant therapeutic effects with STORZ MEDICAL EMTT devices
1 Krath, A. et al., J Orthop. 2017;14(3):410-415. doi: 10.1016/j.jor.2017.06.016.
2 Klüter, T. et al., Electromagn Biol Med. 2018;37(4): 175-183. doi: 10.1080/15368378.2018.1499030.
3 Klüter, T. et al., J Orthop Ther. 2018: JORT-1113. doi: 10.29011/2575-8241.001113.
4 Gerdesmeyer, L. et al., J Foot Ankle Surg. 2017;56(5): 964-967. doi: 10.1053/j.jfas.2017.06.014.

EMTT for musculoskeletal diseases

EMTT for degenerative joint diseases

Degenerative joint diseases
Wear and tear conditions such as osteoarthritis (knees, hips, hands, shoulders, elbows), herniated discs, spondylarthrosis

EMTT in pain therapy

Pain treatment
(Chronic) pain, for example, back pain, lumbago, tension, radiculopathy

EMTT for sports injuries

Sports injuries
(Chronic) inflammation of tendons and joints, tendon overuse syndromes, inflammation of the pubic bone


MAGNETOLITH® ultra+ in daily practice

Treatment with MAGNETOLITH® ultra+ is comfortable and straightforward:

  • 9 energy levels, adjustable frequency up to 10 pulses per second
  • The patient does not have to remove their clothes.
  • Effective and comfortable working
  • Positioning of the handpiece by hand or with the flexible holding arm (click & connect)
  • One treatment session lasts between 5 and 20 minutes depending on the indication.
  • Clinically relevant effect with occasional, mild side effects such as reddening or slight treatment pain

MAGNETOLITH® ultra+ highlights

  • High-frequency magnetic field (100 – 300 kHz)
  • Continuous and reliable operation thanks to water-cooled handpiece
  • Safe and easy handpiece replacement
  • Integrated touch screen for setting 9 intensity levels, application frequency and number of pulses


Intuitive operation thanks to the clear  touch screen

Intuitive operation thanks to the clear
touch screen

Continuous handpiece cooling

Continuous handpiece cooling

Equipment trolley for flexible use in practices

Equipment trolley for flexible use in practices

Experiences with the MAGNETOLITH®

Yves De Vos»We have been using Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) since 2014 and incorporated Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT) in 2020. In our daily practice we use EMTT either as a combination with manual therapy and exercise or combined with ESWT.«
Yves De Vos, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Michael Strøm»During the last six months, I have successfully conducted around 950 EMTT treatments with the MAGNETOLITH within a wide spectrum of different indications. In most of the cases the EMTT treatment was combined with ESWT, in order to work as efficiently as possible. If I had to choose one area that has really blown me away, it’s been in the treatment of osteoarthritis. EMTT has completely changed my approach here. The treatment is simple and painless and is not restricted by the pigmentation of the skin, as is the case with laser procedures.«
Michael Strøm, Copenhagen, Denmark

Dr Alf Piepenbrink»The MAGNETOLITH expands my therapy options in daily orthopaedic practice. EMTT has so far been a good conservative therapy for treating degenerative finger joint or tarsal problems. It is precisely in these cases that I have until now lacked an effective therapeutic option.«
Dr Alf Piepenbrink, Stuhr-Brinkum, Germany

Dr Damian Görner»We’ve been routinely successful in treating classic indications with the mechanotransduction induced by radial and focused ESWT in recent years. So the EMTT (extracorporeal magnetotransduction therapy), with its active magnetotransduction principle, its highly energetic magnetic field (80 mT), as well as its very high oscillation frequency and penetration depth, is the ideal complement to our therapy portfolio. I currently use EMTT with the MAGNETOLITH on the lumbar spine for pain therapy (in combination with acupuncture), for enthesopathies of the elbow joint, calcific tendinitis of the shoulder and plantar fasciitis. The EMTT is performed every two days for a total of six treatments. This treatment regimen has been the best at allowing us to reduce patient pain and decrease patient medications. The patients appreciate the relatively short treatment duration with EMTT. My previous experiences with the MAGNETOLITH have been consistently positive.«
Dr Damian Görner, Berlin, Germany

Prof. Dr Ludger Gerdesmeyer»At my clinic and practice, I use the MAGNETOLITH primarily for degenerative joint, muscle and tendon disorders, but also for inflammatory forms of musculoskeletal disorders, both as a standalone therapy and as a supplement to extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT). Treatment with the MAGNETOLITH is incredibly straightforward. Depending on the clinical picture, I can tailor the pulse intensity and pulse repetition rate to my patients. For a localised treatment, I secure the applicator above the patient using an articulated arm. If I'm working over a larger area, I guide the applicator manually.«
Prof Dr Ludger Gerdesmeyer, Kiel, Germany

Prof. Dr Karsten Knobloch»For me, MAGNETOLITH complements the combined shock wave therapy in a congenial way. In my sports practice, I see clear synergistic effects on diseased tendons and bones that result in accelerated tissue healing. This is of immense importance, especially for the top athletes I look after.«
Prof Dr Karsten Knobloch, Hanover, Germany

Dr Ulrich Dreisilker»Positive results for musculoskeletal conditions with ESWT or EMTT alone are great, but can be improved even further by combining both treatment options.«
Dr Ulrich Dreisilker, Velbert-Tönisheide, Germany

Dr Rick van den Daele»Thanks to its convincing treatment results and the versatility of its uses, the EMTT is a very valuable tool for our patients. The high frequencies of the magnetic field combined with the high intensity are the key to successful treatment.«
Dr Rik van den Daele, Stade, Germany

Prof. Dr Musa Citak»The novel EMTT technology is not only a great complement to ESWT but also extremely useful as a stand-alone therapy – as I have found with my own shoulder.«
Prof Dr Musa Citak, Hamburg, Germany

Dr Philipp Spolwind»I was convinced by Prof. Gerdesmeyer's comprehensive student research project. Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT) is very well received by patients.«
Dr Philipp Spolwind, Freistadt, Austria

Dr Rainer Perner»I have been using the MAGNETOLITH for a few weeks in addition to shock wave therapy. The results are promising. The MAGNETOLITH is the missing link in my practice!«
Dr Rainer Perner, Mondsee, Austria.

Dr Claudia Bohmann»My new treatment offer with the MAGNETOLITH works efficiently for pain. Fast regeneration in (high-performance) sport is incredibly important, I know that from my own experience. Accelerated recovery and pain reduction in the case of sports injuries, a torn muscle fibre, etc. can be achieved with Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT). In addition to sports injuries, the MAGNETOLITH is also used for chronic back pain or joint complaints such as arthrosis«
Dr Claudia Bohmann, Vienna, Austria.


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