ESWT products for CPPS/IPP/ED
Medical conditions such as vascular erectile dysfunction (ED), chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) and painful penile curvature (induratio penis plastica – IPP) can now be selectively treated with focused shock wave therapy (Li-ESWT). Our DUOLITH SD1 T-TOP »ultra« URO shock wave system was specially developed for the non-invasive therapy of these medical conditions. With its efficiency, user-friendliness and modular upgradeability, it offers you the best preconditions for first-class results.

Focused shock wave therapy (Li-ESWT) for non-invasive treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) of vascular origin and other urological disorders
- Effective and non-tiring treatment directly at the patient
- All control elements integrated into the handpiece
- Reduced revision costs thanks to easy change of coil
- Upgradable to DUOLITH® SD1 TOWER »ultra« by modular extensions