STORZ MEDICAL – Literature Databases
STORZ MEDICAL – Literature Databases
Literature Databases
Literature Databases

Wang D et al, 2017: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is safe and effective for pediatric patients with chronic pancreatitis.

Wang D, Bi YW, Ji JT, Xin L, Pan J, Liao Z, Du TT, Lin JH, Zhang D, Zeng XP, Ye B, Zou WB, Chen H, Xie T, Li BR, Zheng ZH, Li ZS, Hu LH.
Department of Gastroenterology, Changhai Hospital, The Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China.
Department of Surgery, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing, China.
Digestive Endoscopy Center, Changhai Hospital, The Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China.
Department of Gastroenterology, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, Nanjing, China.
Department of Gastroenterology, Air Force General Hospital, Beijing, China.
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jiangdu Hospital, Yangzhou, China.

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Ordaz Jurado DG et al, 2017: Shockwave lithotripsy with music: Less painful and more satisfactory treatment.

Ordaz Jurado DG, Budia Alba A, Bahilo Mateu P, Trassierra Villa M, López-Acón D, Boronat Tormo F.
Unidad de Litotricia y Endourología, Servicio de Urología, Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe, Valencia, España.

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Drake T et al, 2017: What are the Benefits and Harms of Ureteroscopy Compared with Shock-wave Lithotripsy in the Treatment of Upper Ureteral Stones? A Systematic Review.

Drake T, Grivas N, Dabestani S, Knoll T, Lam T, Maclennan S, Petrik A, Skolarikos A, Straub M, Tuerk C, Yuan CY, Sarica K.
Department of Urology, Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Bournemouth, UK.
Department of Urology, Hatzikosta General Hospital, Ioannina, Greece; Department of Urology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Department of Urology, Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden.
Department of Urology, Sindelfingen-Boeblingen Medical Center, University of Tübingen, Sindelfingen, Germany.
Department of Urology, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen, Scotland; Academic Urology Unit, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland.
Academic Urology Unit, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland.
Department of Urology, Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic; Department of Urology, Hospital Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic.
Second Department of Urology, Sismanoglio Hospital, Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece.
Department of Urology, Technical University Munich, Munich, Germany.
Department of Urology, Hospital of the Sisters of Charity, Vienna, Austria.
Division of Gastroenterology & Cochrane UGPD Group, Department of Medicine, Health Sciences Centre, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.
Department of Urology, Dr. Lutfi Kirdar Research and Teaching Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.

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Ozmerdiven G et al, 2017: Protective effects of diltiazem and tadalafil on shock wave-induced kidney injury in rats.

Ozmerdiven G, Vuruskan BA, Kaygisiz O, Vuruskan H.

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El-Nahas AR et al, 2017: Hospital admission for treatment of complications after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for renal stones: a study of risk factors.

El-Nahas AR, Taha DE, Elsaadany MM, Zahran MH, Hassan M, Sheir KZ.
Urology Department, Urology and Nephrology Center, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.

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