Pain-free Thanks to Radial Pressure Waves: Adventurer Ian Couch Ready for New Expeditions
Ian Couch is an experienced British adventurer, ocean rower and endurance athlete. His previous successes are more than impressive: He rowed across the Atlantic twice and is the only person ever to have crossed the Indian Ocean in a rowing boat. Over the years he has set a totalof six world records in rowing. What's more, he has broken a British record for the fastest Greenland crossing on skis, he's run through the Gobi Desert and the Namib Desert and has mastered numerous other ultra running events.
Severe Restriction in Training due to Elbow Pain
Even coming up to 50, Couch still participates in endurance events or even leads them. For his body, these feats of high performance are a huge strain and take their toll. In 2018, Couch suffered from elbow pain (epicondylitis humeri medialis) due to overuse, which worsened further while training for a rowing challenge from San Francisco to Hawaii. In the end the pain was so intense that he couldn't go on. The arm was immobilised and Couch took medication, but this was ineffective and brought about no improvement.
Successful Treatment with Radial Pressure Waves
As a result of the persistent complaints, Couch went to the Abbeyfields Clinic (Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England) for treatment from the experienced osteopath James Woledge. He had already successfully treated Couch's running and martial arts injuries several times in the past. In order to reduce or eliminate Couch's pain, Woledge treated the epicondylitis humeri medialis with radial pressure waves, which (although incorrect in physics terms) are often referred to as radial shock waves. A total of three treatments were performed (device: MASTERPULS® MP100; R15 transmitter; pulses: 2500; frequency: 12 Hz; pressure: 1.6 – 2.6 bar). Prior to treatment, Couch's elbows hurt at every touch and his movements were very limited. The very first pressure wave session led to immediate improvement and the pain diminished. After the third treatment, touch no longer caused any pain. Couch after the therapy: »The strength and range of motion of my arm are better than they have been for years and are around 95 percent of my previous best value«, and added: »I can unreservedly recommend pressure wave therapy. It's by far the best treatment I've ever had«.
Left: As an endurance athlete, Ian Couch puts his body under tremendous strain, here rowing in the Indian Ocean
Right: Radial treatment of epicondylitis humeri medialis