Live Webinar »Ankle Sprain and Achillodynia: The Essential Role of ESWT and EMTT in the Conservative Management« on Tuesday, 30 March 2021 · 18:00 – 19:00 (CET)

Ankle Sprain and Achillodynia: The Essential Role of ESWT and EMTT in the Conservative Management

The live webinar »Ankle Sprain and Achillodynia: The Essential Role of ESWT and EMTT in the Conservative Management« will be hosted by Prof. Dr Matthias Beck/AVT College of Osteopathic Medicine in cooperation with STORZ MEDICAL.

The webinar registration is possible for healthcare professionals only. You are invited to join.
The recording of this webinar and all other webinars will be exclusively available for our customers and partners on the Shock Wave Portal.

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