STORZ MEDICAL Live Webinar »Combined Therapy R-SW & F-SW with EMTT« on Tuesday, 30th June 2020 · 18:00 – 19:00 (CET)


In our next ESWT live webinar Physiotherapist Michael Strøm will talk about »Combined Therapy R-SW & F-SW with EMTT®«.

Why would anyone who has a radial shock wave machine invest in a focused shock wave device? What are the additional benefits? During his presentation Michael Strøm will talk about the advantages of both shock wave technologies and explain why the best outcome can be achieved if R-SW and F-SW are combined. In addition he will give an outlook on the new Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT®) which is a very interesting supplement to the shock wave therapy.

The webinar registration – for healthcare professionals only – is possible under this link.

You are invited to join.

The recording of this webinar and all other webinars will be available exclusively for our customers and partners on the ICE Shock Wave Portal.

Webinar Summer Break: 15th July 2020 – 15th September 2020