TPS in the media: Italian TV station visits STORZ MEDICAL

TPS in the media: Italian TV station visits STORZ MEDICAL

A team from the Italian television station Business24 visited STORZ MEDICAL at its head office in Tägerwilen. The renowned TV presenter Anna Falchi interviewed STORZ MEDICAL employees Alessandro Saccucci, Head of »Office Line« Sales and Dr Dilana Hazer-Rau, Neurology Product Manager, as part of her »Business Life« format. The programme focused on innovations in medical technology, in particular the use of shock wave therapy in neurology and the advanced method of Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS)

In the interview, Alessandro Saccucci presented STORZ MEDICAL as a leader in the development and manufacture of shock wave systems. He presented the historical development of the company since the 1980s and spoke about the different areas of application – from Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy in urology to applications in orthopaedics and dermatology as well as cardiology and neurology. He also described the exciting process the company underwent to establish itself in the field of neurology: the first tests, the first study and how it was possible for the company to transfer the previously known biological effects of shock wave technology from established fields. 

The focus then turned to the field of Transcranial Pulse Stimulation and its application in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Dr Hazer-Rau addressed questions regarding Alzheimer's disease as a neurodegenerative disease, referred to the current treatment options and explained the advantages of TPS as non-invasive add-on therapy. In addition to addressing the framework conditions and functionality of the TPS method, she also described exactly what a treatment session looks like. This was followed by a discussion about the expectations of patients and their relatives, along with an explanation of the frequency, procedure and duration of treatment. Lastly, Dr Hazer-Rau addressed the effects of TPS and the latest research findings and presented an outlook of how future developments may look. 

The interview provided an informative overview of the field of Transcranial Pulse Stimulation. The method was presented in a comprehensible way, and the various aspects of its application were explained. The full interview can be viewed in English via this link.