7.6 million readers: Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) featured on the front page of German BILD newspaper and at www.bild.de!

TPS in German BILD newspaper

»New hope for Alzheimer's patients: Patient's memory improves«*: On 22 April 2022, the front-page lead story of Germany's highest-circulation daily newspaper BILD (reach 7.62 million predominantly older readers) was about Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) with the NEUROLITH®.

The full TPS article (page 8 of the issue) was also published online at www.bild.de – the most visited news site in Germany with approx. 25 million unique users monthly, of which 600,000 are paying subscribers. This great success gives TPS a huge boost throughout the German-speaking world!

»It is a small miracle«
The BILD article is about the entrepreneur Manfred Sköries (80), who fell ill with Alzheimer's 10 years ago. The result: he got worse and worse, he forgot more and more friends and experiences. His wife Elena finally had to place him in a nursing home. In 2022, the family learned about TPS by chance and decided to try the new therapy. As a result of the treatment, Mr Sköries' general physical and mental condition improved significantly. His wife Elena reports: »He is really much better. It is a small miracle. My husband was home for Easter. He was in a wheelchair for a long time, but can now walk on his own again. Even at work, he suddenly remembered many things again.« He also recognises friends and colleagues again.

The second part of the article explains the TPS method in detail and quotes physicians who have already treated numerous Alzheimer's patients. The immunologist Dr. Peter Schleicher from Munich summarises the successes achieved so far with TPS: »We cannot cure Alzheimer's, but we have achieved regeneration of damaged brain cells in many patients.« Prof. Musa Citak, who treated Sköries, demands: »It's about time that the insurance companies contribute to the costs, because a nursing home is more expensive than the therapy.«

Link to the BILD article

*[Original German headline: »Neue Hoffnung für Alzheimer-Kranke: Patient kann sich wieder erinnern«]