Live Webinar »The Stiff Neck Syndrome: The Application of ESWT in the Conservative Therapeutic Management« on Tuesday, 8 June 2021 · 18:00 – 19:00 (CET)


The live webinar »The Stiff Neck Syndrome: The Application of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy in the Conservative Therapeutic Management« will be hosted by Prof. Dr Matthias Beck/AVT College of Osteopathic Medicine in cooperation with STORZ MEDICAL. In this webinar Professor Beck talks about the neck and shoulder pain which are common complains of patients according to him.

Some of them show up with an acute stiff neck. Beside the dysfunctions of the apophyseal joints, neuromuscular alterations, like muscle trigger points and their referred pain pattern are responsible for the patients disability. These neuromuscular dysfunctions response very well to the treatment with shock wave therapy and the additional treatment with Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy. In this webinar the participant will be guided through a typical treatment session.

The webinar registration is possible for healthcare professionals only. You are invited to join.
The recording of this webinar and all other webinars will be exclusively available for our customers and partners on the Shock Wave Portal.

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