Extracorporeal Shock Waves Therapy for the Treatment of Acute and Chronic Wounds-A Prospective, Monocentric Clinical Trial to Examine the Effect of Shock Waves on Wound Healing
Kristina Landscheidt, Ahmed Alabdulmohsen, Markus Hübscher, Benjamin Geber, Jochen-Frederick Hernekamp, Ole Goertz.
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Effects of the extracorporeal shock wave therapy on the skin: an experimental study
Thayná Melo de Lima Morais, Patrícia Froes Meyer, Liliane Santos de Vasconcellos, Julio Costa E Silv, Ito Ferreira E Andrade, Vinicius Alves Freire de Farias, Igor Candido da Silva, Roberta Marinho Falcão Gondim Araújo, Rodrigo Marcel Valentim da Silva, Esteban Fortuny Pacheco, Ciro Dantas Soares.
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Facial Tightening Effects, Following Focused and Radial Acoustic Wave Therapy Assessment, Using a Three‐Dimensional Digital Imaging
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Facial treatment with acoustic wave therapy for improvement of facial skin texture, pores and wrinkles
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Effects of the extracorporeal shock wave therapy on the skin: an experimental study
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Acoustic wave therapy for cellulite, body shaping and fat reduction.
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Extracorporeal Acoustic Wave Therapy and Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis
Carlotta Scarpa, MD, PhD; Vincenzo Vindigni, MD, PhD; Franco Bassetto, MD.
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A randomized, controlled clinical study to investigate the safety and efficacy of acoustic wave therapy in body contouring.
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Cellulite and focused extracorporeal shockwave therapy for non-invasive body contouring: a randomized trial.
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Placebo controlled, prospectively randomized, double-blinded study for the investigation of the effectiveness and safety of the acoustic wave therapy (AWT(®)) for cellulite treatment.
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Body shaping with acoustic wave therapy AWT(®)/EPAT(®): randomized, controlled study on 14 subjects.
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Controlled, randomized study evaluating the effects of treating cellulite with AWT/EPAT.
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Improvement in skin elasticity in the treatment of cellulite and connective tissue weakness by means of extracorporeal pulse activation therapy.
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Extracorporeal shock wave therapy ameliorates hindlimb ischemia in rabbits.
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Extracorporeal shock waves: from lithotripsy to anti-inflammatory action by NO production.
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Anti-fibrosclerotic effects of shock wave therapy in lipedema and cellulite.
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