National Future Day 2022: school pupils in Switzerland discover the wide range of career opportunities at STORZ MEDICAL
On 10 November 2022, STORZ MEDICAL opened its doors for National Future Day – a Switzerland-wide initiative for Year 5 to Year 7 schoolchildren, launched in 2001. Under the banner »Girls and boys switch sides«, 15 pupils received a stimulating inside look at the work done by their parents and relatives. The main emphasis was on exploring gender-atypical careers. Future Day’s aim is to overcome prejudices and encourage youngsters to focus on their own interests and talents when thinking about career choices.
Welcome: a stimulating programme and an inside look at day-to-day working life
After the initial hellos, the pupils were given a tour of the two company buildings. In the different departments, they learned about the careers and training opportunities available at STORZ MEDICAL. This was certainly an information-packed time, with various employees – both male and female – describing their roles and answering the youngsters’ many questions. At the end of the tour, the children impressively demonstrated what they had learned in the form of a quiz, and received a prize.
Afterwards, the pupils were introduced to some of the advanced technologies used in the equipment made by STORZ MEDICAL. In a fun and entertaining way, they learned fascinating facts about radial shock waves and how the MAGNETOLITH® works. Then came a hands-on activity: referring to a technical drawing, the youngsters – who proved extremely motivated – assembled a phone holder and desk tidy from various individual components. When they had successfully completed this task, each child used a laser to inscribe their name, the date and the STORZ MEDICAL logo on their own holder.
Having enjoyed lunch together, the pupils, thus fortified, accompanied their relatives to their respective workstations to get an over-the-shoulder look at what they do. This gave them a good idea, at first hand, of what this day-to-day work involves. And, when the time came to say goodbye, the youngsters had certainly had a full day.
STORZ MEDICAL would like to say a big »thank you« to all the young visitors for their interest, and for being so motivated. We’re looking forward to next year!
Find out more about Switzerland’s Future Day (website only available in German, French and Italian):