




Getting started with radial shock wave therapy (R-SW)

The new radial shock wave device, the MASTERPULS® ultra+, expands the product portfolio of the successful MASTERPULS® »ultra« line. It combines advanced technology with a high level of reliability and attention to detail. The integrated touch screen display underscores the elegant design of this radial shock wave device. The large parameter display and the intuitive operating concept direct the user's attention to the essential information and thereby facilitate efficient treatment.

The large energy range of the FALCON® handpiece with its versatile transmitters allows for a broad treatment spectrum. For a comprehensive treatment option that further supports the success of the therapy, the optional V-ACTOR® »HF« handpiece offers complementary vibration therapy. The optional trolley facilitates mobility within the practice.

At a glance

  • Simple operating concept thanks to the integrated touch screen
  • Treatment parameters also adjustable directly on the FALCON® handpiece
  • Comfortable work directly on the patient
  • Large energy range: 0.3 – 5.0 bareff
  • Complementary high-frequency vibration therapy with the V-ACTOR® »HF« handpiece


Radial shock wave therapy with the FALCON® R-SW handpieceRadial shock wave therapy with the FALCON® R-SW handpiece

Vibration therapy with the V-ACTOR® »HF« handpieceVibration therapy with the V-ACTOR® »HF« handpiece

The transmitters for the MASTERPULS® ultra+ evolution

The transmitters for the MASTERPULS® ultra+ evolution

Radial transmitters
The radial transmitters have been used successfully for years and are suitable for the treatment of all conventional radial shock wave indications such as tendinopathies, heel and shoulder pain, and myofascial trigger points.

PERI-ACTOR® fascia transmitters
The four PERI-ACTOR® transmitters according to Swart/Di Maio have been developed specifically for fascia treatment. The different variants allow treatment to be adapted according to the structure of the fascia. Thanks to the special shape of the transmitters, it is possible to reach fascial trigger points for optimal pain relief.

SPINE-ACTOR® transmitters
The three differently sized SPINE-ACTOR® transmitters make it possible to perform specific treatments in the paravertebral region. The paravertebral muscles of the entire spine in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions can be reached to optimum effect thanks to the »Double Tip« forked shape of the transmitters.

Standard indications with the R15 transmitterStandard indications with the R15 transmitter

Fascia treatment with the PERI-ACTOR® »sphere« transmitterFascia treatment with the PERI-ACTOR® »sphere« transmitter

Paravertebral treatment with the SPINE-ACTOR® 2 transmitterParavertebral treatment with the SPINE-ACTOR® 2 transmitter

I am interested in the MASTERPULS® ultra+.

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